7 Steps to freedom life is step by step guide to who wants to start their actual dream business online and live a financial freedom life
7 Steps to Financial Freedom Life
My name is Jigar Patel, I'M BE Mechanical Engineer, Founder & CEO of Personal Brand "Digital Jigar" and One Engineering service provider company "Pramukh Design Consultancy". Digital Jigar is Online Digital Entrepreneur Who Connects People to the Products & Services which are useful and needed. My Digital Jigar HUB is a comprehensive resource for online entrepreneurs where I providing guidance, reviews, and tutorials on digital marketing & affiliate marketing tools and strategies to achieve their aspirations.
First of all I want to congratulate you to take the action and reach here. This shows you are serious about your Freedom Journey and freedom lifestyle. But maybe you got stuck somewhere and need a right guidance...
And we know that sometimes even few quick tips or awareness can change the way we look toward our life. Here we are going to learn many things that will give you Clear Guidance in Step by Step manner how you can achieve your financial freedom and freedom lifestyle and live a life in your terms.
So before I bring the 7-steps towards freedom to you, I want to make sure that you are ready to implement it right away.
You will get the clarity on:
Principles which governs success
Clarity on What do you really want from your life
Create your financial freedom Plan
Create your Game Plan
Create your Goal Card with Magic Number
Clarity on why you require to build your home on the internet “Your HUB”
Building a Community of 1000 member
Scale and become the best at what you do
Now we deep dive into this Million-dollar Seven Steps and Start with " Foundation"
Freedom is fueled by money and now onwards we more talk about how to solve your financial problem. And if we help to solve your financial problem then may be more than 95% your problem solve and other remaining problem you can solve by yourself.
So how to solve this financial problem? Answer is through online business
In this day and age building a successful online business is the only way to go because it is most lucrative location independent business and easy to build
If you take time to build your business the right way it will change your life
Your life is about to change and live life on your terms
For any building/structure, including in the business most important component is the FOUNDATION
Only things matter in the business are Results
Results = $$$$ money in your bank account
Money is not good or not bad, money just a tool, money gives you freedom, money gives you options
Three things you need the understand
• Result = $$$ (Your business gives you)
• Money in the Bank account
• Which gives you freedom
The two most important question one need to address are:
1) What do you really want? In terms of business, financially, relationship, health, contribution to society, spirituality anything
2) How do you get it?
That’s it THE END……if you figure out above 2 question answer then GAME OVER
97% people fail online to get the Results why ? there is 3 main reason
1) Awareness – They are not having right awareness unconsciously incompetent, hence they are failing (they don’t know what they don’t know
2) Blueprint – don’t follow the right blueprint to create success in their business
3) Action – Lack of action
Humans are not made for struggle, human being engineer for success but whatever you do will require to rooted with principles
The world operates on Principles/Law and it’s operate directly from God if you violate any principles then you are 100% fail, you have pay the price
Example: Mercedes require Fuel Gasoline 92 and if you put Coca-Cola in place of right fuel which drive the Mercedes then it’s 100% fail because you have violate the vehicle principles , same rule apply for any business and anything in the world
Success is predictable, rooted with principles
Principles/Laws governs success
• Tree doesn’t try to grow ….It’s Natural process
• Humans are creates for achievements/success
Lacking awareness and not following right blueprint that’s why people fail
1) Fly hitting the window glass, try hard to go outside, just trying harder and harder and lacking energy until it die. Fly doesn’t aware that above 2 feet window glass there is open door , just fraction of awareness it will free/freedom
2) Just look below FEDEX Logo, in this there is Right arrow sign please find it
Now look second image,
Now you are aware where the right arrow sign …..Now you come next time to see the logo first thing your eye catch the arrow sign because now you aware this thing.
No.1 Wealth building tool = Cashflow
It’s not about doing certain things but doing things in certain way
Universal law/principles of Compensation (As per Bob Proctor)
• Need – in the Marketplace (What you do)
• Your ability to fulfill that Need
• How difficult to replace you (Become the best what you do)
YOUR ENTIRE FOCUS REQUIRE ONLY “Your ability to Fulfill that need “best possible way
Now we officially move to Step-1 Regarding your Laser -Focused Target
Step-1 : Clear Target (What do You Really Want?)
Things that runs your life .The things that gets you the results which coming from your subconscious mind, it’s running your life
So think what do you want from life?
• Where do you want to live?
• What kind of car you want to drive?
• Health, Relationship, Spirituality
• Kids, debts free, Travel
Just write down each and every thing which you think that this is my ultimate desire life style look like
If you don’t have a pre-set destination you will end up somewhere which is not desirable
Your current results are neither good nor bad it is what it is, current choices/actions got you to where you are right now
Raise your level of awareness, Keep in mind that 3-5 years you will be look like the books you read and people you hang out with
If you want to learn from somebody make sure they are getting the same results that you want
3 Types of Goal: (As per Bob Proctor)
• A Type - Know (Which you Know),
Your Present Results, This is right now you are doing as per the whatever skills/experience you have
• B Type - Think (Which you Think),
There is little inspiration in that, not enough to push you forward for example doing extra over time, doing something different which will give you some extra perks /income but due to very little inspiration in this as well as lack of awareness they are bouncing from Level A and Level B why because due to little inspiration some sets back come, disappointment happen, family pressure, your dear, near, loved one pressure come they come down
STRETCH OUT MORE.........................
Even your mind is not thinking that ….Just look like something impossible as per the perspective of your current situation you live for
• C Type - Fantasy (This is what you really really really want),
Just Focus on what do you really want? Right now not require to think how to get it or you don’t require to know how I get that result
You are going to Point A to Point B but right now B is much far away Start with Point A
Example: When you drive a car in night your car flash light show you some far away then you reach there then again it shows some far away in between roadblock come but one day you reach your destination ,
Same way you reach your far clear destination of B if you don’t give up and keep going
Everything started as an Imagination in someone’s head
Current experience are stemming from the amount of money currently you have
Everything has a price Tag to it
Your current lifestyle require X amount of money and your desired lifestyle require Y amount of money
Now here we require to Budget out your monthly desired lifestyle with a simple exercise
(Note: in this exercise do not include your business expense, your investment, Charity, Taxes etc. Which will we figure out in Our Next Step, Here you just require to Figure out your desired lifestyle number)
This is Just for the Example purpose you can figure out as per your desired lifestyle number on monthly basis
If you see where you are going, your subconscious mind gets involved
Don’t worry about where your money is coming from just yet, right now just focus about your monthly living ideal lifestyle number
You change your outside by changing your inside
Now we move our Second Step and understand how to manage our money and get our "Magic Number"
Download and listen 2 times a day - The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale
Step-2 : Money Plan (Create Financial Freedom Plan)
Your freedom will have a number, everything in life has a price tag
Health, finance etc. everything has a price tag, just think about your health if you require to take care of your health you require to eating right, exercise, follow healthy eating lifestyle and so on
Having freedom, maintaining freedom, living and experiencing freedom finances are going to Fuel that
There is a night and day difference between how rich people handle their money and how poor people handle their money
As Jim Rohn Said,
• Poor Philosophy – Spend more and invest what the left
• Rich Philosophy – Invest first and Spend what left
As an Entrepreneur you learn how to earn money but never manage money so it’s very important to learn how to manage money
You will never build a successful business if you don’t understand to take care of your finance in order
This Strategy allow you to create freedom, you can live the dream lifestyle you want, you will have money to save, you will have money to give (contribution/charity), you will have money to run your business, you will have money to pay your taxes
If you don’t feel like you are in control, you are in a panic situation, you are frustrated, don’t have self-confidence, your self-worth is affected
When you have order/manage your finances, it will enhances other areas of your life
Active Income is the income that you work for, ideally you want to have passive income
When passive income is big enough to sustain your lifestyle to cover all the important areas of your life then you have true freedom
It can be reality if you follow certain principles
Now we learn how to manage your money with six different bank account with below powerful formula
RTWCGO – Six Different bank account in same bank or separate bank
R – Receiving (100%) – Business account – $52000/0.20 = $260000 /month
(All the money your business receives goes into this accounts, 100% money deposit in this account on a daily, weekly or monthly basis)
T – Tax (30%) – Business account – $78000 /month
(GST, Income Tax etc.)
W – Wealth (10%) – Business account – $26000 /month
(Mutual fund (SIP), Real Estate, Gold/Silver, Stocks/Crypto)
C – Charity (10%) – Business account – $26000 /month
(Support causes, Temple/Church/Mosque, Help needy people, others)
G – General (20%) – Saving account – $52000 /month
(Amount of our desired lifestyle which we derive in step-1 example, $52000)
O – Operational (30%) – Business account – $78000 /month
(Business Tool, Marketing spends, Ad Spends, Personal Growth buying books, enrolled for masterclass, seminar etc.)
Top line number in our example ($260000- Your magic Number) is the most important number as we know the destination
In Receivable account ultimately at the end of month should be “0” as the money distributed to other (TWCGO) accounts
Single wealth generating tool will be your = cash flow
You need wealth to create freedom
You will never be free if you don’t have the money situation take care of
Now just look around this internet world the entire world is your customer base
If you are just starting now start following this to be on the right path
This is not taught in School and collage.
Now we get our Magic Number , so now in Step- 3 (Game Plan) which game we play to win and reach our destination as soon as possible
Step-3 : Game Plan (Create a Game Plan)
Now our game plan as per the previous example to achieve $260000/month (This is your magic number /your target number)
Two most important questions you need to address in any area of your life
• What do you really want?
• How do you get it?
Now we know exactly what we are building because we have known our first question answered with our magic number ($260000) as per our finance goal
Your results in your life are based on the game plan you are playing, how do you put yourself on the winning side of the equation
You need to become impactful at what you do, you need to follow right blueprint
Out of 100 people 80 are broke, 20 are think/trying and top 4 people are top of their game.
These 4 People are very important to any organization as they are moving the needle
These 4 people are as valuable as the rest of 96
Let’s understand with chart
We need to be laser clean on the target, your life is a direction of your thoughts
You need tune out all distractions from your life, what if you commit for a year, what if a year from now you have completely different experience in life. Would it be worth it to take a leap of faith
If you want to go from Point A to Point B which is 1000 miles how would you go?
We need to focus on which vehicle can get us from point A to Point B in the fastest way possible, so think in that direction
So we need to look for best possible and fastest way to get us to our goal that will be solid
Example: Suppose you require to earn 1 million USD
• So if you are worker or any labor work do then you also earn that money but may be it take 40 to 50 Years Long time
• If you Study and get qualified education then get a job you also reach that goal in lesser time may be 20 to 30 years
• But if you require to earn this amount within a Year, 6 month or month then what you do (that type of thinking you require to think)
Identify the game, learn the rules of the Game and Play the game to win, this is the best time to generate wealth right now in human history
There is no income limit what you can do, market place is 7.5 billion + people in the world
Have an open mind, open heart and do not limit yourself to thinking
Today you can create wealth very easily
You can build an empire just simply collaborate and partnering and collaborating with other companies
You don’t necessarily have to create a product if you don’t want to, don’t necessary have to machinery, don’t necessarily have to own a outlet or rent a building
A HUB is a central control center that you own on the internet, build strategically with collaboration and partnership with other company
In this day and age, it has never been easier to build wealth like it is now, if you follow certain things and do things in a certain way
It’s easier today for anybody to build wealth than ever before in history, you have more opportunities than ever in the history of the world
Most people flashing their lifestyle out there are depending on a platform like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc.
When you depend on platform you are at the mercy of that platform People that depend on a platform are going to be history
People that build and own their control centers that are independent from any platform and building their community
We are compressing different eras together
When Bill Gates build Microsoft, he said I don’t want to sell the box, I want to create intelligence who run the box
Systems and your hub allows you to create the intelligence to sell and run any box
Box = Any Business or Product or Service you want to move
Anything that is One is the most dangerous things in your business
1 Employee, 1 Income Streams, 1 Product, 1 Bank account etc.
You want to have Multiple Streams of Income or Cash Flow coming in
Future of Business will be community driven Hub centered business models
There is more money right now that has been ever available
Now we understand our game plan to achieve our magic number figure
Now we require to remind our self through auto suggestion , for that we move to our next Step- 4 create our Goal card.
Step-4 : Goal Card (Create a Goal Card)
Money is not the paper, money is not what it really is, money is an idea, money is energy, money is consciousness
Money should be attracted to you, it should be a by product of what you do and something you enjoy doing because you are running on principles that are rooted in the universal law that governs success
If you succeed you are going to inspire more people to succeed, your business is reflection of you
Conscious mind is the tip of the iceberg whereas subconscious is everything that is hidden beneath
You can only focus on a few things at a time consciously, conscious mind is very limited, conscious mind is your logical mind
Subconscious is the program which runs your life, your entire behavior rooted in your subconscious mind
Subconscious dictates how you feel, how you act, what you do, how much money you make, your energy level etc.
If you feel like you are making a difference in the world, you are more happy, you are not stressed out, you are at ease
Having clarity and repetition of certain things can change the programing
How do you know your name or learnt your name it’s through process of repetition
Who told you, you can earn only x amount of money a year, it’s through programming
Environment needs to be created which is conducive to success, environment is more important than what is built into your DNA at a birth
Plugin to a community that feeds into your subconscious mind with ideas and information constantly that will help you change and reprogram your mindset
Don’t approach money from something that is hard, money flows to me in great abundance with ease, it’s easy, it’s constant, it’s effortless, I enjoy doing what I am doing and money just shows up
Money is the certification of appreciation for the work or service you provide to the world
You are built for success, you are built for achievements
Your belief system is created and built upon your environment, if you tell yourself a lie often enough, you will start to believing the lie
Whatever you say to yourself over and over again, you will believe yourself
Imagination how you can change everything Whatever you impress on conscious mind long enough gets impressed in your subconscious mind
Your subconscious mind picks up the idea, whether it’s right or wrong, whether it’s good or bad, whether it’s your advantage or it’s to your disadvantage
Whatever you plant in your subconscious mind, it will produce that kind of crop
Plant things in your subconscious mind that is conducive for your results, whatever you want from your life
Create your Goal Card – Laminate it
Goals are very important
We need to start impression it on the subconscious mind over and over and over and over again so your subconscious mind picks it up
Now you require to prepare one goal card with one goal sentence which are in simple present tense
Below is example you can get inspiration from this and write your goal sentence
You can replace your magic number in above sentence and prepare your Goal sentence
Click the link to download your Goal card, Print it and Laminate it
Read your Goal card over and over again multiple times a day for the next 90 days
Initially you may not believe it, then you will be like and thinking maybe it’s possible, and you will go to a phase that this is possible
If you do this, it’s like an airplane taking off
Now we require to build your home on the " Internet" , let's understand through next step-5 build your HUB
Step-5 : Build Your HUB (Your Home On the Internet)
Create and build your hub, your hub is not a website but it has a website, your hub is not a sales funnel/funnel but it has so many funnel running on a single domain, your hub is your place/home on the Internet
Every time you run a transactional business model, you are frustrated, exhausted, it’s like running on a treadmill once you stop running everything stops
Your wealth rooted in your hub, your hub is kind of having your own island, the island that can attract people to it
Island become a place, where collaboration happen, where people can congregate, something that can become a destination
When you have a Hub, you have a home, when you don’t have hub you are homeless, there is no longevity, there is no substance, very few have a home or Hub
Having a home on the internet matters, it’s really important if you want to have longevity on your business
If you want to generate wealth, consistently and periodically you need to be building your home on the internet
You can have different paths coming to your island, your funnel is not a business, it’s pathway to something
Your Hub allows you to generate sales and delivered sales, it’s allows to create multiple source of income, it’s also allows you to build a brand, community, collaboration, Automation
Apple is great example of hub, you need to create an account with apple id, it’s become an ecosystem, apples sales app, phone, movie, computer, iPad, etc., this all activity happen in apple hub
Google, Tesla, Nerd wallet, eBay are other example of hub
Your hub will have your front end, your back end as well as member’s area
Amazon was not built on a funnel. Amazon is not a website .It is a Hub
If you don’t have a hub you are wasting money, if you have a hub, the marketing you are running is meaningful
If you don’t have a hub and if you are spending $1 to get people to your landing page, you would lucky to make $1.5
But if you have Hub then customer goes through from your Hub, that one sale could become multiple sales, Play the Game to win instead of not to loose
Now in your mind how can I build my Hub which looks beautiful & good looking, is there any platform out there?
Yes there is one platform which all we use ESTAGE just look at my hub : https://digitaljigar.com/ which I built on ESTAGE Platform (Number 1 Hub Building Platform)
Right now Estage not sold as a Single SAAS membership area , right now it is private but it will sell as a SAAS software membership area soon but if you want to try it out then you require to enrolled ABS System which is already business in the BOX Solution along with that you get 30 day Free trial….just click below link and go to training you will understand properly
Just go to this training: https://digitaljigar.com/abs-registration
Now we require to build our loyal community , which we will discuss in our next step-6 Building community
Step-6 : Build a Community of 1000 Member
Build your tribe of at least 1000 people to the hub
What makes a brand, a brand is the feeling that it gives to the people
You cannot do that with a funnel, standalone transaction page, it’s an environment
What makes Facebook valuable is because of the people
Technology can be copied and recreated
Feeling and environment is must requirement for create great community around your business/hub
How do I run my business like apple, apple has an eco-system and has a community, it has a congregation and raving fans
You have to build a movement around your passion, product or Idea
Always ask yourself How can I start congregating people that resonate my message, how can I serve them better, how can I build a tribe of like-minded people I can serve
Data is really really important
Data is when you have customers and information about your customers then you will be talk with them from one place
1000 members registered on your hub will be a minimum $100K a Year passive income business
When we focus on ideas and principles you are going to have a hub which will be become more valuable by the day
As more people come in, you can scale and multiply with systems and automations. Automation help you turn 1 member into 10 and have viral growth then you become the best in your craft
Ask question yourself and find answer
• How do you I get traffic?
• How do you convert them into my list?
• How do you communicate with the list?
• How do I become the best at what I do?
• How do I position myself, so money can be flowing to me from all different direction
When you have a Hub, you have control, nobody can take it from you
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Step-7 : Scale and become the best what you do
Excellence is the name of Game
These are the steps to focus on as you are building your empire, your dream business in the internet and live a freedom lifestyle and live a life in your terms
Just recap,
Step: 1 is critically identify exactly what type of lifestyle we want to live
Step: 2 we created the financial freedom plan
Step: 3 Game plan (we understand how wealth is generated and things to focus on)
Step: 4 Goal Card (we got an aim, destination where we need to go, read it every day)
Step: 5 Building your HUB how do you materialize the business of your dream
Step: 6 When you have your hub, next focus is to Build a community of 1000 member (This may take you month or a year
(Time is going to by no matter what, if you follow the model you have always followed , you will get what you have always want to get. If you want to change then change the blueprint, you got to change what you are doing)
Step: 7 Scale and become the best at what you do
You don’t think about health when you are healthy, you don’t think about food when you are not hungry, you don’t think about air when there is plenty of it
The moment you are hungry, then you think about food, if you are sick in your body, the only you think about is your body part that is not well
How much air do you need? As much as you want, we are not conserving it for anybody
How tall will an oak tree grow, as tall as it possible can, a tree does not have a limiter, it does not say I am going to grow this much and then stop unless an outside forces it to stop
Everything that is living is designed for growth
If you do whatever you are doing, it is built within you to do that thing at the very best level you possibly can
How much money do you need, as much as you possibly can get
Money is nothing more than a certification of appreciation, money is a reward for service rendered
See below example
You become rewarded for your value, the more you grow, the more valuable you become
Excellence is the name of game
The more money you make, the more money you can give away, more money you can dedicate towards your wealth account, then you can create your passive income, you have this eco-system working for you and it’s beautiful, it’s amazing for you, you don’t depend on anybody. You are creating your own economy
Now decide and focus just for next year at least, I am 100% sure if you laser focused then your life complete different from a year before
You just tell yourself that I am laser focused and do this or I am going to die trying
Become a what you become and give opportunity/possibility for other people
Become an iconic figure in your marketplace
The world needs more people that are more committed to go after what they want
The world needs more people who commit to growing themselves personally and professionally and making a positive impact
Conclude Words And Your Next Step :
Hope you like the my first blog " 7 Steps to freedom life" , if you want to share your experience then please comment which give me more inspiration to write more blog content to inspire aspirant people who want to do something big in their life.
Also I want thank you for being here and read the whole long content.
So I have Surprise gift for you if you want to Watch this Million dollar 7- Steps to freedom in the form of Video Course (100% free) from my mentor Vick then Just follow Action Steps as below
Your Next Action Steps :
Click here to register and watch the 7 Steps to freedom -Guide Course (100% Free)
Do you want to Start your dream business online - Register and watch free training
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